RPCC Club Policies 3 of 3

3. RPCC Privacy Policy

Changes since the original policy was posted on 16 May 2018.

Section 11: Where is your information?
Old text: We are based within the European Economic Area (EEA) and our Suppliers are also based in the EEA. There are no international transfers of your personal data.
New text: We are based in England and our Suppliers are also based in England, however their servers are based in the European Economic Area (EEA). Therefore there is an international transfer of your personal data.


1.1 Scope of this policy

This Privacy Policy governs the information that we collect, use and process about you as a playing or social member, potential playing or social member, parents of playing junior members, enquirers and job applicants / enquirers.

We have tried to keep this Privacy Policy clear and easy to read. We have not provided lengthy detail of all aspects of our collection and use of your information and any examples we provide are not intended to be comprehensive. If you would like additional information, please contact The Club Secretary.

1.2 Policy updates

Any changes to our Privacy Policy will be reflected at: Information section.


2.1 Who are we?

We are Reigate Priory Cricket Club, an unincorporated Community Amateur Sports Club, whose registered number is CH0996.

For the purpose of data protection laws, we are the “data controller” of the personal data that we collect and process about you under this Privacy Policy.

2.2 How to contact us

FAO: The Club Secretary
Address: Park Lane, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 8JX
Email: Club Secretary


  • Details about you. Your name, email address, postal address, telephone number, date of birth, dietary requirements and, if necessary, information about your health;
  • Identification documents. We may ask to see identification at times to validate a player’s age or when carrying out vetting or security checks;
  • Details about your membership with us. Your membership status, payments, bar card information, playing members statistics, photographs;
  • Your communications with us. Information about your communications with us and our volunteers or staff, including when you make enquiries, provide comments, make complaints or submit feedback to us (whether in writing or verbally);
  • Job applications. If you apply for a job with us, your CV, work history, educational details and the role you’re applying for; and
  • Your use of any of our systems and services. Details of the way in which you use our site and / or social media pages (please see the “OUR SITE, APPS AND COOKIES” section at 9 below for further details).


  • When you browse our site;
  • When you become a member either via Pitchero, email, telephone or paper form;
  • When you apply for a job with us in writing or over the phone;
  • When you contact us via social media, post, email or telephone;
  • When you participate in any of our competitions, promotions, surveys or market research;
  • When you provide us with information about an accident, illness or incident that occurred in connection with your membership or visit to RPCC ;
  • When you attend any events we host.


Information about your health to be used in case of emergencies and especially for younger members which helps Coaches look out for their members during practice or matches. We may also collect dietary requirements to be used for events that we may run or for catering for match Teas.

We try to limit any sensitive personal data that we collect and, unless we have other specific lawful reasons to use this information (such as in an emergency situation), we will ask for your consent to collect it.


6.1 For what purposes do we use your information?

  • To manage your Membership with us. We will use your information to provide you with information relating to your membership. This may also include information about your payments or payment status;
  • To send you service communications. We will use your information to send you any communications relevant to your Membership and RPCC. This may include sending you emails or contacting you to notify you of changes to your Membership, RPCC events or match fixtures. We will also deal with your enquiries, complaints, comments or observations shared with us (on the basis of performing our contract with you or on the basis of our legitimate interests to provide you with customer service);
  • To process your job applications. We will use your information to process any job applications that you submit to us (on the basis of our legitimate interest to recruit new employees);
  • To retain statistical and historical information / records about the RPCC. RPCC is part of the history of the town of Reigate and is an integral part of the community, which has been formally in existence since 1852. RPCC roots in Reigate go back to as early as 1744 and as such RPCC processes Member and Employee information to continue to record such historic records.
  • To ensure security and protect our business interests. In certain circumstances, we may use your information to ensure the security of our services and people, including to protect against, investigate and deter fraud, unauthorised or illegal activities, systems testing, maintenance and development (on the basis of our legitimate interests to operate a safe and lawful business or where we have a legal obligation to do so);
  • To comply with our legal obligations. In certain circumstances, we will need to use your information to comply with our legal obligations, for example to comply with any court orders (on the basis of our legitimate interests to comply with a legal obligation).

6.2 On what grounds will we process your information?

We will use your information for the purposes listed above, either:

  • For the performance of your contract with us and the provision of our services to you;
  • To comply with a legal obligation we have;
  • For our legitimate interests (as described within this policy) where your interests and fundamental rights do not override these interests.;
  • To protect your vital interests;
  • With your consent;
  • For establishing, exercising or defending legal claims; and
  • For reasons of substantial public interest.


  • Third party suppliers that we work with to provide services relating to your Membership. We may share your information with third party suppliers who provide us with services to help us provide our services to you as part of your Membership e.g. the England and Wales Cricket Board and Play Cricket for playing members;
  • Governing Bodies or Regulators of England Cricket. RPCC is required to provide, in certain circumstances, playing Members information and scores / statistics to the leagues which the senior and youth teams enter;
  • Other third party suppliers that we work with in connection with our business. We share your information with third party suppliers that provide us with services in connection with our activities and the provision of our services to you, for example: service providers and hosting providers, third parties that manage promotions or events for us, third party software companies that provide us with applications, suppliers who produce your membership card and manage bar facilities and RPCC kit / clothing suppliers;
  • Courts or advisors. We may share your information with other third parties (including legal, accountants or other advisors, regulatory authorities, courts and government agencies) where necessary to enable us to enforce our legal rights, or to protect the rights, property or safety of our employees or where such disclosure may be permitted or required by law; and


Unless you have told us not to, as part of your Membership and our service to you, we will send you information relating to your Membership and RPCC that we think might be of interest / relevant to you. Our intention is to ensure that you are kept up to date with the latest events and news from RPCC and that you can make full use of your Membership.

If you do not want to keep up to date with RPCC information, then you can:

  • Use the “unsubscribe” link contained in the Newsletter that you receive from us; or
  • Contact us using the details in the “ABOUT US” in section 2.2 above.


Our website is run by Pitchero.com. Please see Pitchero’s cookie policy for further information.


You have certain rights in respect of the personal information that we hold about you, including:

  • The right to be informed of the ways in which we use your information, as we seek to do in this Privacy Policy;
  • The right to ask us not to process your information for marketing purposes;
  • The right to request access to the information that we hold about you;
  • The right to request that we correct or rectify any information that we hold about you which is out of date or incorrect;
  • In certain circumstances, the right to ask us to stop using information about you;
  • The right to withdraw consent where you have provided this to us to use your personal information; and
  • The right to object to our using your information on the basis of our legitimate interests;

Please note that we reserve the right to retain certain information for our own record-keeping (for example, to ensure that you do not receive our newsletter where you have opted-out of receiving it) and to defend ourselves against any claims. We may also need to send you service-related communications relating to the services that we provide to you even when you have requested not to receive the newsletter.


We are based in England and our Suppliers are also based in England, however their servers are based in the European Economic Area (EEA). Therefore there is an international transfer of your personal data.


We use a few different technical and organisational security measures to protect your information against unauthorised access or unlawful use. For example we:

  • Ensure our volunteers and employees receive data protection and confidentiality training to make sure that they understand their responsibilities in looking after your information and commit to taking appropriate measures to enforce these responsibilities.
  • Mandate appropriate password protection and access restrictions to secure physical and digital security of devices and systems;
  • Ensure that access to your information is only granted to those of our people that need to use it;


Our site contains content and links to other sites that are operated by third parties. Please note that we do not control these third party sites or the cookies that such third parties operate and this Privacy Policy will not apply to them. Be sure to consult the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of the relevant third party site to understand how that site collects and uses your information and to establish whether and for what purposes they use cookies.


We keep your information for as long as necessary to allow us to provide you with the services that you have requested from us, to comply with any legal obligations that require us to keep information, or for as long as we reasonably require for our legitimate interests, including for example for the purposes of exercising our legal rights or defending any claims.

  • We retain a list of individuals who no longer wish to be contacted by us indefinitely. For example, we retain member information and players statistics / scores indefinitely for historical record keeping purposes to ensure that RPCC does not lose vital information of its heritage;
  • We retain a waiting list of potential playing Members until such time as that Member is offered a Membership;
  • We retain any unsuccessful CV’s or job applications that we receive for a period of up to 2 years in case we think you might be suited to another opportunity that becomes available in the near future.


If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or the way in which we use your information, please contact us using the details in the “ABOUT US” section at 2.2 above.

You also have the right to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office, the UK’s supervisory authority, at https://ico.org.uk/global/contact-us.

26 May 2024